Sustainable supermarkets

On-site generation of cleaning and disinfection solutions for Facilities and Transport vehicles

Envirolyte USA generators produce Anolyte and Catholyte, solutions with the potential to replace the entire line of traditional chemical products

Effective cleaning and disinfection processes are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory diseases and increase the safety of your business. With our ESG cleaning and disinfection solutions, we improve process efficiency, reduce costs, environmental and labor risks, increase efficiency and practicality, making your cleaning processes more sustainable.

Anolyte and Catholyte are more effective and economical substitutes for chemical products commonly used in the sanitation and disinfection of supermarket facilities, such as housing, drinking fountains and water systems, food areas, equipment and instruments, handling areas and transport vehicles.

Organic spray additive: increasing shelf life in vegetables

Ensure an increased shelf life of fruits, vegetables and greens

Spraying and nebulizing Anolyte (HCLO) on fruits, vegetables and greens is a practice that can significantly increase the shelf life of these products, both those on display and those in stock. In addition, this technique offers an organic, more accessible and economical alternative compared to the chemical products traditionally used for this purpose. Adopting Anolyte as an additive for spraying in a supermarket ensures greater food durability, reducing waste and increasing profitability.

Decontaminate the environment without the need to empty the site

With Envirolyte USA technology, the environment disinfection process is more practical and safer

Anolyte nebulization (HCLO) is an effective technique for decontaminating supermarket air and environments, eliminating harmful microorganisms without the need to empty the premises or perform rinsing. Our generators provide complete disinfection, ensuring the safety of customers and employees. In addition, Anolyte is a safe and non-toxic solution, which makes it ideal for use in environments where health and hygiene are priorities.

Advantages of Envirolyte USA Generators in supermarkets:

  • Effective disinfection, eliminating harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Greater safety and quality of food sold in supermarkets.
  • Reduction of odors, maintaining a more pleasant environment for customers and employees.
  • The products used are sustainable and environmentally friendly, contributing to more responsible business practices.
  • Economical option for disinfection, helping to reduce supermarket operating costs.
  • Simple and easy application, allowing supermarket employees to carry out disinfection quickly and efficiently.


How much can I save with Envirolyte solutions?

Calculate and find out how cost-effectiveness makes all the difference


How toxic are my current processes?

Evaluate your current cleaning and disinfection processes compared to the solutions offered by Envirolyte.


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(954) 712-7409