Information on Envirolyte USA's commitment to sustainability

Eco-friendly practices in product development and manufacturing:

  • Hypochlorous Acid is manufactured from purified water and salt. There is virtually no waste generated during production, and it degrades over time to saltwater.

Environmental impact statements: Risks of Using Conventional Cleaners and Disinfectants:

  • Relying on conventional cleaning products and disinfectants containing ingredients like bleach, quats, phthalates, and fragrances poses health risks to cleaning staff and facility occupants. Exposure to toxic chemicals is associated with COPD, allergies, hormone disruption, and endocrine disruption. Ineffective products may leave harmful viruses and bacteria behind.
  • Common ingredients such as bleach and quats, found in conventional cleaners, are cautioned against by the CDC for people with asthma or allergies. Considering that approximately 30% of the US population falls into this category, protecting these sensitive populations becomes challenging. Moreover, the American Lung Association advises against products with fragrances, irritants, and flammable ingredients, potentially eliminating many traditional commercial cleaning products from consideration. Prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals in conventional products can be as detrimental to health as smoking a pack of cigarettes per day.

What You Need to Know About Cleaning Product Safety & Children:

  • Cleaning products’ ingredients like fragrances, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs or quats), and bleach have been linked to serious health issues in children, including cancer, asthma, allergies, and endocrine disruption. Children are more vulnerable to environmental toxins due to higher consumption per pound of body weight, ongoing system development, and behaviors that increase exposure risks.
  • Long-term exposure to cleaning chemicals during early life significantly increases the risk of asthma and chronic allergies in children. Estimates suggest that 40% of US children suffer from asthma or allergies, prompting the CDC to recommend avoiding cleaning products with quats, bleach, or fragrances around this population.

What You Need to Know About Cleaning Product Safety & Adults:

  • Adults are also at risk of health issues due to chronic exposure to common cleaning chemicals like bleach and quats. Studies indicate that long-term exposure to these chemicals can cause lung damage equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day and increase the likelihood of pregnant women having children with asthma by up to 70%.
  • Quats, prevalent in wipes, sanitizers, and disinfectant sprays, are associated with allergies, asthma, cancer, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, and birth defects. Regulatory loopholes allow a single word like “fragrance” on labels to conceal over 100 toxic ingredients, including phthalates. Phthalates, acting as endocrine disruptors, can lead to a range of health problems, including language development issues, genital malformations, and lower sperm counts.
(954) 712-7409