It's time for Responsible Pig Farming

Discover our in-place cleaning and disinfection solutions for breeding facilities and animal transport vehicles

Envirolyte USA generators produce Anolyte and Catholyte, versatile and effective solutions that have the potential to replace traditional chemicals used in cleaning and disinfection.

Envirolyte USA’s ESG cleaning and disinfection solutions increase the efficiency of hygiene procedures, ensuring the microbiological safety of pig farms and optimizing the effectiveness of existing methods. In this way, we implement sustainable and economically viable production that reduces the costs and risks of environmental and labor liabilities.

Furthermore, the products can be used to clean drinkers, water systems, feeding areas, equipment, instruments, handling areas and transport vehicles, ensuring comprehensive disinfection throughout the breeding environment.

Effective and safe water treatment

Discover the benefits of producing Anolyte using Envirolyte generators

Possible contamination: whether through the formation of biofilms, accumulation of microorganisms in pipes, layers of minerals and metals and the proliferation of pathogenic agents.

Envirolyte generators produce Anolyte – Hypochlorous Acid (HCLO), active chlorine present in the form of a weak acid. By using the product, we guarantee solutions that are financially advantageous and more efficient than conventional water treatment methods. We therefore offer an innovative and environmentally correct water treatment methodology.

Decontamination without emptying the environment: efficient and practical method

The anolyte produced with our technology is non-toxic and can be easily nebulized

The application by nebulization of Anolyte (HClO) in environments allows the decontamination of air and surfaces without the need to evacuate the premises. This efficient method guarantees the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, making the environment safer and healthier for immediate occupation.

Advantages for pig farming:

  • Complete elimination of biofilm.
  • Production does not involve dangerous chemicals or complex maintenance, considerably reducing costs.
  • Reduction in the use of antibiotics and medications in animals.
  • Reduction in mortality rate.
  • More resistant and healthier animals.
  • Immediate effects on pig digestion: better nutrient absorption, reduced feed consumption and fewer digestive problems.
  • It does not generate odor or taste in the water, unlike sodium hypochlorite, which impairs the hydration of animals.
  • Eliminates bacteria, viruses and fungi, being effective against salmonella and the swine diarrhea virus.


How much can I save with Envirolyte solutions?

Calculate and find out how cost-effectiveness makes all the difference


How toxic are my current processes?

Evaluate your current cleaning and disinfection processes compared to the solutions offered by Envirolyte.


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(954) 712-7409