Sustainable Restaurants

Sustainable cleaning: eco-friendly products for all your restaurant processes

With just one generator, have two products and many solutions

In a scenario where environmental responsibility is increasingly important, restaurant cleaning and disinfection cannot be left behind. That’s why we offer complete ESG Sanitation solutions for your establishment, using only Anolyte and Catholyte produced by Envirolyte generators.

Cleaning and disinfection of the food preparation area:

This includes cleaning work surfaces such as countertops and cutting boards, as well as sanitizing kitchen equipment such as stoves, ovens, grills and fryers, and utensils such as pots, pans and cutlery.

Sanitation of food storage areas:

With our sustainable products, we ensure complete sanitation of refrigerators, freezers and storage areas, providing food safety and quality of stored products. In addition, we take care of cleaning shelves and storage areas, resulting in a clean and organized environment for your restaurant.

Cleaning and disinfecting the beverage preparation area:

Completely sanitize coffee machines, juice machines and other beverage machines, ensuring the quality and safety of the products served. With the Anolyte and Catholyte produced by Evirolyte generators, counters and beverage preparation utensils will always be clean in a sustainable way.

Cleaning and disinfection of customer service areas:

The advanced technology of Envirolyte generators provides effective cleaning and disinfection in the customer service areas of a restaurant. This includes sanitizing tables, chairs, and countertops in dining areas, providing a safe and healthy environment for customers. Additionally, our products are ideal for cleaning and sanitizing menus, condiments, and shared areas, helping to prevent the spread of various types of pathogens in these areas.

Cleaning and disinfection of bathrooms and sanitary facilities:

Proper cleaning and disinfecting of restaurant restrooms and sanitary facilities is essential to ensuring the health and safety of customers and employees. With the advanced technology of Envirolyte products, this task can be accomplished effectively and sustainably. With our solutions, you can produce products on-site to clean and disinfect critical areas such as sinks, faucets, mirrors, and frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and locks. In addition, the products are environmentally safe, leaving no harmful chemical residues.

Disinfection of the environment without the need for emptying

Non-toxic solutions with wide applicability. Few products, multiple benefits.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of proper hygiene and disinfection. Envirolyte solutions are versatile and effective, and can be applied directly to surfaces, by fogging, spraying, Clean-in-Place (CIP) and even freezing. With just two cleaning and disinfection products, we offer complete and versatile coverage. In addition, all sanitization can be done without the need to empty the space, ensuring comfort, convenience and savings.

Surface cleaning




(Clean In Place)

Why use Envirolyte Brasil generators in restaurants?

  • Non-toxic cleaning products for all processes in your restaurant, contributing to environmental sustainability.
  • Solutions that solve several problems with few products, resulting in practicality and savings.
  • Reduction of environmental and labor risks, promoting a safer and healthier environment.
  • Cleaning without emptying the premises, providing comfort to customers and employees.
  • Complete cleaning and disinfection with just one generator, simplifying sanitation processes.
  • Shorter cleaning and disinfection cycles, generating water savings in the process.


How much can I save with Envirolyte solutions?

Calculate and find out how cost-effectiveness makes all the difference


How toxic are my current processes?

Evaluate your current cleaning and disinfection processes compared to the solutions offered by Envirolyte.


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(954) 712-7409