HD Type Anolith Generators

ELA-3000HD Generator in a Food Processing Plant in Taiwan

Produce the anolith with a higher concentration of active chlorine

The main feature of these generators is the expansion of the active chlorine concentration range in the anolyte disinfectant. In addition, they produce disinfectants with adjustable active chlorine concentration, ranging from 1000 to 6000 ppm via a diaphragm electrolyser, without using external circulation circuits and Peltier elements.
HD-type generators are also capable of producing anolyte using less salt and energy. About 3.0 g of NaCL and ~4.3 W of power are required to generate 1 G of free active chlorine (FAC), which is 5 and 3 times less than in standard ELA machines.
High concentrations of FAC in anolyte are required in some sectors, such as water treatment and industrial applications where a high level of active chlorine can result in savings in other plant components, such as metering pumps, storage tanks, among others.

Features of HD Type Anolith Generators:

The product portfolio of HD type generators in terms of anolith output capacity depends on the FAC requirement, but it is generally similar to the ELA product line.
The installation requirements for HD-type anolyte generators are similar to those of ELA machines.


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