HD CIP Equipment

Advanced Equipment for Food, Beer and Beverage Industry

The CIP HD range of Anolite/Catalyte generators is designed for a variety of applications where customers need to initially wash and/or degrease surfaces, facilities, equipment or tools, followed by the disinfection step.
These multiple applications require the use of Anolyte for disinfection and Catalyte as a washing fluid. Therefore, there is a specific need to produce both Anolyte and Catalyte locally and on demand, in the necessary quantities and concentrations.
The CIP/HD range is an evolution of our Envirolyte CIP generators and is ideal for both the food and beverage processing sectors and other areas of activity (hotels, schools, government facilities, military bases, prisons, cruise ships, etc.). These generators are easy to install, operate, and easy to maintain, increasing safety and reducing operating costs.

Key features of HD CIP Generators:

All of the specifications listed above position the CIP/HD generators as a perfect source of washing and disinfecting fluids for any industry where Anolyte and Catalyte solutions are required for effective cleaning and sanitizing operations.

What is the difference between standard and CIP/HD CIP generators?

Both types of generators have two independent production platforms to generate the fluids autonomously or simultaneously.
However, in standard CIP generators, fluids are produced with precisely predefined HCLO/NaOH parameters such as ppm concentration, pH, and residual salt/chloride, providing high efficacy and avoiding any risk of corrosion when sanitizing. Therefore, the use of these is generally limited to Clean-In-Place (CIP) operations only.
In CIP/HD generators, the anolite/catalyte parameters mentioned above may vary. That is, the fluids can be stronger, allowing them to be used in more difficult cases of washing and disinfection in many industries.


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(954) 712-7409