CG Catalyte Generators

Catalyte Generator CG-300
The Envirolyte series Catolite generators are designed to produce on-site and on-demand brine catolite (NaCL). With NaOH concentration ranging from 1 G/L up to 6 G/L and pH ~ 11.5-13.5, making it an ideal solution for washing operations, precipitation of heavy metals, organic matter or during water purification or extraction of essential oils.
Catolite production is an inexpensive, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to the chemical detergents used today and has numerous applications, particularly in CIP, food processing, horticulture, greenhouses, and hospitality. This technology eliminates all hazards associated with transporting, handling, and storing hazardous chemicals.
During catholyte generation, a small volume (0.4% of the total flow) of acid anolyte is produced as a byproduct, and safety disposal measures should be considered.
The catholyte output capacity in these generators depends on the concentration of NaOH, but is generally similar to the EL or ELA product line.
The installation requirements for CG Catolite Generators are similar to those of EL or ELA type machines.


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