Fishing Industry ESG

Efficient Cleaning: Clean-in-Place (CIP) Solutions for Fishing Equipment

See how our technology reduces costs, rinsing time and labor and environmental risks.

Addressing the unique challenges of the fishing industry, our Clean-in-Place (CIP) solutions are designed to sustainably eliminate difficult-to-process residues such as oils and proteins. Using innovative technology, we ensure thorough cleaning that maintains equipment integrity and product quality. In addition, our solutions reduce financial costs, rinsing time, and labor and environmental risks, providing a complete and effective solution for the fishing industry.

Production of disinfectant ice: hygiene and product quality guaranteed

Freezing with Anolyte increases the shelf life and shelf life of products

We have implemented a disinfectant ice production system using Anolyte, which has Hypochlorous Acid (HClO) as its active ingredient. This way, we ensure that fishery products reach the market with maximum hygiene from the beginning of the production chain. With this system, your company can meet the strict hygiene standards of the fishing industry and guarantee the safety and quality of products for end consumers.

Ensure ready-to-use cleaning and disinfection products with our On-site generators

Producing sanitation solutions on-site optimizes the entire operation

We solve pathogen control challenges in fisheries with on-site anolyte and catholyte generators. These solutions provide comprehensive disinfection, creating a safe environment for fish processing. Additionally, our technology eliminates the need for transporting and storing large volumes of chemicals, reducing costs and reducing environmental impacts.

Intelligent effluent disinfection system (ETE) in fishing industries

Waste treatment in compliance with environmental standards

Our wastewater treatment systems are tailored to meet the specific requirements of the fishing industry. With effective disinfection, we ensure compliance with the most stringent environmental standards. In addition, our technology provides efficient and environmentally responsible operations.

Sanitizing the environment without the need to stop production

Because they are non-toxic and safe, our products allow multiple applications without having to empty the area.

The products obtained by Envirolyte generators can be applied by nebulization, spraying or other methods, adapting to the structure of the environment and the specificities of the fishing industry. These environmental disinfection solutions are effective without the need to empty the site, ensuring convenience and savings without interrupting activities. In this way, we guarantee the elimination of unwanted microorganisms, maintaining process safety and product quality.

Surface cleaning




(Clean In Place)

Advantages for the fishing industry:

  • Anolyte and Catholyte are highly effective in eliminating unwanted microorganisms, ensuring the microbiological safety of fishery products.
  • Because they are non-toxic, our products do not pose any risk to the health of workers and do not contaminate the environment.
  • On-site production of these solutions eliminates the need to purchase and store large quantities of chemicals, reducing operating costs.
  • Anolyte and Catholyte can be used in a variety of applications in the fishing industry, such as disinfection of equipment, processing environments and fish preservation.
  • The effective disinfection guaranteed by these solutions contributes to maintaining the quality of fishery products, increasing their shelf life and safety for the consumer.


How much can I save with Envirolyte solutions?

Calculate and find out how cost-effectiveness makes all the difference


How toxic are my current processes?

Evaluate your current cleaning and disinfection processes compared to the solutions offered by Envirolyte.


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(954) 712-7409